Summary of The Law

1. Praise [8], Repent[2,8], Ask of [7,8] and Talk to [4] The One [1 ] as much as possible like you were the last person alive [5], and as though you see Him [6], even though you cannot [1,8], surely He sees you [3, 9]

2. Strive to bring benefit to others and yourself as much as possible [9,11,12] without bringing harm to yourself or others [13, 14, 15] (and any harm you feel wipes away your sins if you are patient [10]), with the intention of earning Hia pleasure [1] (for the rewards and punishments of deeds are weighted by their intentions)

In shaa' Allah it instills in you the following qualities:
[1] TawHeed/Monotheism,
[2] Taubah/Repentence,
[3] Taqwa/Cautiousness,
[4] Imaan/Belief
[6] iHsan/Excellence,
[7] tewekkel/Trust or Faith,
[8] Khushou3 or hanan/humility,
[9] adab/manners,
[10] Sabr/ Patience,
[11] Halal/Lawful
[12] Toyibah/Good,
and prevent
[13] Haram/Forbidden,
[14] Munkar/Bad
[15] faHshah/Big Evils,

Sunday 24 January 2016

What are the differences between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims?

All Muslims are monotheist as their core belief (no god besides GOD - i.e. God of Abraham a.s.) - and they all believe the Qur'an is God's words to mankind and take it as the ultimate authority for laws and guidance on Earth.
  • Sunni Muslims also try to follow Prophet's example (sunnah - from recorded historical sayings transmitted by various companions (Hadith))).
  • Shi'a (="sect") Muslims give religious authority to the living leader (imaam) of the shi'a sect and he is allowed to reinterpret the Quran (God's words) to current times (similar to the Pope in Catholicism). 
  • Sunni's regard reinterpretations and additions to the original practise of Islam as innovations (bid'ah) and believe it is forbidden (Haraam).  In theory they only take the prophet's practise of Islam and his interpretation of the Qur'an.
  • Sunni's believe the ruling successor (Caliph) of the Muslims should be elected democratically as stated in the Qur'an. 
  • Shi'as elect their leader (imaam) through the descendants of the prophetic bloodline via his grandson Hussain a.s. (not Hassan a.s. however).
  • Sunni's and Shi'as originally only differed on this point (who the ruler should be) - however, today there are many more differences due to the fact that Shi'a Imaams may adapt and interpret the religion, whereas Sunni Caliph's and Imaams cannot.

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