Summary of The Law

1. Praise [8], Repent[2,8], Ask of [7,8] and Talk to [4] The One [1 ] as much as possible like you were the last person alive [5], and as though you see Him [6], even though you cannot [1,8], surely He sees you [3, 9]

2. Strive to bring benefit to others and yourself as much as possible [9,11,12] without bringing harm to yourself or others [13, 14, 15] (and any harm you feel wipes away your sins if you are patient [10]), with the intention of earning Hia pleasure [1] (for the rewards and punishments of deeds are weighted by their intentions)

In shaa' Allah it instills in you the following qualities:
[1] TawHeed/Monotheism,
[2] Taubah/Repentence,
[3] Taqwa/Cautiousness,
[4] Imaan/Belief
[6] iHsan/Excellence,
[7] tewekkel/Trust or Faith,
[8] Khushou3 or hanan/humility,
[9] adab/manners,
[10] Sabr/ Patience,
[11] Halal/Lawful
[12] Toyibah/Good,
and prevent
[13] Haram/Forbidden,
[14] Munkar/Bad
[15] faHshah/Big Evils,

Sunday 24 January 2016

Can a non-muslim go to a mosque during prayers? If so, how should they behave?

Treat it like you were visiting a library, except you should keep it clean by taking off your shoes.  Ensure you do not walk in front of someone who is praying.  And if you are a lady, try to cover your beauty to avoid distracting the worshippers.  Other than that - welcome!

I took my brother into a mosque just to show him around - and he asked if he could join in with the prayers (he was agnostic at the time).  I said "of course" just follow what i do (actions are a bit like yoga).  I suppose he wanted to fully immerse himself into the experience.  Very open minded approach

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