Summary of The Law

1. Praise [8], Repent[2,8], Ask of [7,8] and Talk to [4] The One [1 ] as much as possible like you were the last person alive [5], and as though you see Him [6], even though you cannot [1,8], surely He sees you [3, 9]

2. Strive to bring benefit to others and yourself as much as possible [9,11,12] without bringing harm to yourself or others [13, 14, 15] (and any harm you feel wipes away your sins if you are patient [10]), with the intention of earning Hia pleasure [1] (for the rewards and punishments of deeds are weighted by their intentions)

In shaa' Allah it instills in you the following qualities:
[1] TawHeed/Monotheism,
[2] Taubah/Repentence,
[3] Taqwa/Cautiousness,
[4] Imaan/Belief
[6] iHsan/Excellence,
[7] tewekkel/Trust or Faith,
[8] Khushou3 or hanan/humility,
[9] adab/manners,
[10] Sabr/ Patience,
[11] Halal/Lawful
[12] Toyibah/Good,
and prevent
[13] Haram/Forbidden,
[14] Munkar/Bad
[15] faHshah/Big Evils,

Monday 25 January 2016

[2:17-18] Parable of lighting a fire

[2:17] their [the hypocrites] example is like the example of those who 
put fuel into a fire
so when it illuminates what is around them
God makes their light go out
and they are left in darkness
- they do not see
[2:18] Deaf, dumb, blind,
so [that] they do not return.

The above verses are the first of two parables God presents to explain why some people become hypocrites (wolves in sheep's clothing).  Of course, in symbolic metaphors, light = knowledge, darkness = ignorance. sight = guided / clarity of thought, blind = misguided / clouded judgement.

The meaning of the parable is:
  • A person puts effort into learning the truth and seeking the proofs (putting fuel into a fire)
  • When they find the proof and learn the truth - their ignorance is lifted - the falsehoods that they had been surrounding themselves with are exposed. (it illuminates what is around them)
  • So rather than accepting it and submitting, changing for the better, they refuse to accept it - they reject the truth and cover it up in their hearts.  They turn away from the proof, knowledge and truth and desire to return to that state of blissful ignorance (they are left in darkness)
  • and hence God does not guide them and lets them stay misguided in their falsehood (they do not see)
  • Thereafter these people do not listen when spoken to about the truth (deaf), they do not talk about what they found once (dumb) and they create illogical arguments to explain the proofs away and justify their illogical decisions (blind).
  • This is so that they remain misguided and no one is able to remind them of the truth and bring them back using proofs (they do not return)

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