A common misconception is that:
sunnah = hadith!!!
The sunnah (established prophetic practise / actions) is not exactly the same as hadith (prophetic narrations/sayings /verbal teachings).
1) although there are many hadith...you will still not find a hadith for EVERY sunnah (e.g. why some prayers like fajr and ishaa are recited loudly and others silently...there is no hadith to directly prove this....but the actions of thr sahabah and the people of madinah are taken as a secondary proof of this).
2) some hadith are NOT sunnah (e.g. standing while urinating...there is a hadith that permits this...but it is an exception to the rule...the sunnah is to urinate while sitting)
sunnah = hadith!!!
The sunnah (established prophetic practise / actions) is not exactly the same as hadith (prophetic narrations/sayings /verbal teachings).
1) although there are many hadith...you will still not find a hadith for EVERY sunnah (e.g. why some prayers like fajr and ishaa are recited loudly and others silently...there is no hadith to directly prove this....but the actions of thr sahabah and the people of madinah are taken as a secondary proof of this).
2) some hadith are NOT sunnah (e.g. standing while urinating...there is a hadith that permits this...but it is an exception to the rule...the sunnah is to urinate while sitting)