Summary of The Law

1. Praise [8], Repent[2,8], Ask of [7,8] and Talk to [4] The One [1 ] as much as possible like you were the last person alive [5], and as though you see Him [6], even though you cannot [1,8], surely He sees you [3, 9]

2. Strive to bring benefit to others and yourself as much as possible [9,11,12] without bringing harm to yourself or others [13, 14, 15] (and any harm you feel wipes away your sins if you are patient [10]), with the intention of earning Hia pleasure [1] (for the rewards and punishments of deeds are weighted by their intentions)

In shaa' Allah it instills in you the following qualities:
[1] TawHeed/Monotheism,
[2] Taubah/Repentence,
[3] Taqwa/Cautiousness,
[4] Imaan/Belief
[6] iHsan/Excellence,
[7] tewekkel/Trust or Faith,
[8] Khushou3 or hanan/humility,
[9] adab/manners,
[10] Sabr/ Patience,
[11] Halal/Lawful
[12] Toyibah/Good,
and prevent
[13] Haram/Forbidden,
[14] Munkar/Bad
[15] faHshah/Big Evils,

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Sunnah vs hadith

A common misconception is that:
sunnah = hadith!!!

The sunnah (established prophetic practise / actions) is not exactly the same as hadith (prophetic narrations/sayings /verbal teachings).

1) although there are many will still not find a hadith for EVERY sunnah (e.g. why some prayers like fajr and ishaa are recited loudly and others silently...there is no hadith to directly prove this....but the actions of thr sahabah and the people of madinah are taken as a secondary proof of this).

2) some hadith are NOT sunnah (e.g. standing while urinating...there is a hadith that permits this...but it is an exception to the rule...the sunnah is to urinate while sitting)


fiqh al laghah

all that is higher than you and thus shades you (i.e. shelters you from cosmic rays) = (sky) سماء
all flat ground = (planes) صعيد
all obstacles between two things = (dangerous place) موبق
all square buildings = (cube) كعبة
all tall buildings = صزح

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


(7) not like [those] receiving-anger,
nor [those] straying

The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the Godly-Recitation
(As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

ghayru l-ma-ghdoubi 3alay-him = "not like [those] receiving-anger" - [e.g.] Jews, and whoever is like them in [i.e.] not acting [despite] knowing
l-daalleen = "[those] straying" - [e.g.] Christians, and whoever is like them in [i.e.] acting without knowledge
Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Chapter 1

The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the Godly-Recitation
(al-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

Abridged Commentary of Imam Tabari's commentary "collection of statements"
Tafseeru l-Mukhtasar tafseer Jami3u l-bayan li-l-imami l-Tabari 


"Unveiler" Commentary - Zamakhshari
Tafseeru l-Kashaaf - Imam Muhammad b. 3Omra l-Zamakhshari

or it is said Meccan and Medinan
because it was revealed in Mecca [one] time and in Madinah another.

It is named Mother of the Godly-Recitation (ummu l-Qur'an)
because it contains the [various] meanings which are within the Godly-Recitation, including:
- praises for God up High
- servitude via Commandments and Prohibitions
- the most promising promise

"Facilitating sciences of Revelation" - b. Juzayy l-tas-heel li-3uloumi l-tanzeel - b. Juzayyu l-Kalbi

Chapter "Mother of the Godly-Recitation (ummu l-Qur'an)":
[it is also] called chapter of
- "God's Praise" (l-7amd li-lah),
- 'The Opening of the book" (fati7atu l-kitab),
- "the Shield" (l-waqyah),
- "the Curing" (l-shafyah),
- "the Seven Oft-Repeated [verses]".

[There] are twenty interesting [points] within it, besides what was laid down in [other] languages through the commentary of its phrases.
[Opinions] have differed - is it Meccan or Medinan?
[There] is no difference [of opinion] that 'the Opening' (l-fati7ah) [has] seven verses,
but the Shafi'i [school of thought] counts the "bi-smi l-lah..." [as one] of its verses.
The Maliki [school of thought] excludes it and counts "...who were favoured" [as] a [separate] verse.
    1st interesting [point]:
    reciting "The Opening" (l-fati7ah) during the Godly-Connection (l-Salah) is obligatory according to Malik and Shafi'i.
    successors of Abu Hanifah and his proof is a saying of the one who taught [how to perform] the Godly-connection (l-salah)
    "I recite what is easy of the Godly-Recitation (l-Qur'an)"


    Nadhm al-Durar - Tafsir al-baqa'i
    With the name of God; Firm; Witnessing; nothing decides based on its knowledge, nor becomes anything, except with His permission.
    Ever-Merciful; distributing His mercy to existence and He engrained His greatness into the invisible [parts] of the hearts [and soon] thereafter they [express] these glorifications aloud, Godly-mentionings running on their tongues during Godly-services.
    Most-Merciful; loaning His grace to Servants on the Earth, specifically suited to their [individual] states.


    (6) a path of those who were favoured

    The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the Godly-Recitation
    (As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

    Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

    Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

    Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari


    (5) guide us [along] the straight [and] narrow-path

    The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the Godly-Recitation
    (As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

    l-siratu l-mustaqeem = "The straight [and] narrow-path" - the way in which [there] is no crookedness; and it is The [religion of] Islam

    Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

    Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

    Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari


    (4) You, we serve and [from] You, we seek assistance

    The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the Godly-Recitation
    (As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

    iyya-ka na-3budu = "You, we serve" - we don't serve [anything] except You
    wa iyya-ka na-st-a3een = "and [from] You, we seek assistance" - we don't seek assistance in relieving objects except with You

    Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

    Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

    Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari


    (3) King of the era of judgement

    The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the Godly-Recitation
    (As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

    yawmi l-deen = "Era of judgement" - Era of repayments and calculations

    Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

    Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

    Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari


    (2) ever-most-merciful

    The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the  Godly-Recitation
    (As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

    l-ra7man = "Ever-Merciful" - who extended His mercy [to] all of Creation
    l-ra7eem = "Most-Merciful" - who is merciful [to] Believers

    Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

    Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

    Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari


    (2) Praise [is] for God; Carer of the worlds

    The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the Godly-Recitation
    (As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

    rabb = "Nurturing-Lord" - Nurturer of His creation with His favour
    l-3alameen = "The worlds" - all that was proportioned by God [up] high

    Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

    Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

    Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari

    Monday, 14 November 2016


    With the ever-most-merciful god's name

    The lamp [to illuminate] obscure statements of the 
    (As-Siraj fee bayani ghareebi l-Qur'an)

    bi-smi l-lah = "with God's name" - Which [is to say]: I begin my reading seeking assistance with God's name

    Tafsir Ibn Juzayy

    2nd interesting [point]
    [there] are differing [opinions]:
    is the first [verse] of the Opening ...

    Mukhtasar Tafsir Tabari

    bi-smi-llah = "with God's name" - it begins with naming God and His mention [should] be before every thing

    l-lah = "God" - Who is god [of] every thing and all of creation serves Him
    Tafsir Kashaaf Zamakhshari

    Hadith 183 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, Al-Zuhd

    "so if it were not for those who were exalting [God]" (37:143)
    He said: Prayer in Prosperity was long.
    He said: Indeed the actions of righteous people lifts them when falling and [they will be calmly] reclining when a disaster is found

    Saturday, 12 November 2016

    Maryam-Dawud Fast

    Maryam a.s. would fast 2 days then eat 2 days
    Dawud a.s. would fast 1 day then eat 1 day
    Avoid fasting Fridays (Yowm al-Jumuah) as it is an eid
    It is Sunnah to fast Mondays and Thursdays


    Sun (fast Maryam)
    Mon (fast Maryam & Sunnah)
    Thu (fast Dawud & Sunnah)
    Sat (fast Dawud)
    Mon (fast Dawud & Sunnah)
    Wed (fast Maryam)
    Thu (fast Maryam & Sunnah)

    Friday, 11 November 2016

    Hadith 29

    God’s Messenger said:
    Shabbiness [is a part] of Belief, Shabbiness [is a part] of Belief, Shabbiness [is a part] of Belief”
    This [was said in reference to] Abu Amaamah Al-Harthee.
    I asked my father (Ahmad Hanbal), I said:
    What is ‘Shabiness’?”
    He (Ahmad Hanbal) said:
    modesty in dressing”

    Hadith 26

    God’s messenger said:
    I [do] not ride purple* [saddles] and I [do] not wear scarlet (red*) nor [do] I wear silk* laced shirts”
    He (I’mraan) said:
    and Al-Hassan pointed to his shirt pocket and said:”
    Hear me! Men’s perfume [has a] scent [that can be smelt in the air, but does] not have a colour. Hear me! Women’s perfume [has a] colour [but does] not have a scent [that can be smelt in the air]”
    (*Historically, purple, scarlet red and silk have become associated with wealth, status and power. Purple pigments were extracted from sea snails and silk was extracted from the larvae of silkworms, making both very rare and difficult to obtain. Subsequently, they were expensive, allowing only royalty to afford purple or silk materials. Incidently, scarlet red became prestigious as it was the colour chosen by the very rich and high-ranking officials to symbolise their wealth and status; second only to that of the kings and emperors, whom wore purple)

    Hadith 25

    The sleeves of a Qatari shirt [worn by] A’lee Al-A’laa b. Al-Hadramee [were too] long [according to the] opinion of God’s messenger. So he called for a blade, cutting it [shorter at once] from the [sleeve] ends [which were covering] his fingers.

    Hadith 24

    The Prophet'ssleeve [length] was to the wrist

    Hadith 23

    Because he (Mu’adh) was being sent to Yemen, God’s messenger said to him:
    Be careful of luxury! Truly, God’s servants are not with the luxurious”

    Hadith 22

    God’s messenger came [with] a fine powder [made] from [crushed] almonds. When it was stirred [with water], he [immediately] said:
    What is this?”
    They said:
    Almond shake
    God’s messenger said:
    Take it away from me. This [is] a drink of the luxurious [people].”

    Hadith 21

    God’s messenger was [somewhere] when an order of food [had] come to him. [At once] he put [it] on the ground [where he would sit and eat] and said:
    I am only a servant. I eat like servants eat and I sit like servants sit”

    Hadith 20

    I invited the prophet to [eat] food. When he finished he immediately said:”
    so I [too] ate [with him] - praise God. Afterwards he said:”
    I haven’t filled my stomach with hot food [like that] since such and such”

    Hadith 19

    A man entered [the house of] the Prophet while he was [sitting on the floor] leaning on a pillow, [holding] a loaf [of bread] on a dish between his hands. [At once] he put the loaf on the floor and brushed the pillow saying:
    Indeed I [am] a servant. I eat [just] like servants eat and I sit [just] like servants sit”

    Hadith 18

    A’ishah (God be pleased with her) said:
    [I swear] by God, the family of Muhammadcame across months wherein [there was] not [any bread to] bake”
    He (U’rwah) said:
    Oh mother of the believers (A’ishah), so what did God’s messenger eat?”
    She (A’ishah) said:
    We had neighbours from Al-Ansaar*(God reward them with goodness); they had a portion of milk [which] they [would] dedicate to God’s messenger ﷺ ”
    (*’Al-Ansaar’, literally ‘The Helpers’, was the honorific title given to the Madinan Muslims who welcomed, supported and helped their migrating Makkan brothers, known as ‘Al-Muhaajiroun’, to integrate into Yathrib/Madinah)

    Hadith 17

    The prophetpassed away* and wasn’t [even] full up on wheat bread
    (* literally “left the world”)

    Hadith 16

    His father (Qurrah) said:
    Really, we lived with our prophetlike so; we had no food except the two black [things]. …and do you know what the two black [things] are?
    He (Mu’awiyah) said:
    He (Qurrah) said:
    Dates and water”

    Hadith 15

    A Jew invited God’s messengerto [eat] barley bread and ihaalatu sanakhah*. He [immediately] accepted [the invitation].
    (* “ihaalatu sanakhah” is a strong smelling paste made from animal fat)

    Hadith 14

    I never saw God’s messenger criticise food; if he liked it, he ate it; and if he didn’t like it, he kept silent”

    Hadith 13

    God’s messengersaid:
    [I swear] by [Him] who [holds] Muhammad’s soul in His hand (i.e. God ), [on] a day [that] becomes night [for anyone] within Muhammad’s family [who only has] a saa’a* of grain - not even a saa’a of dates – [there will] most definitely [come] a day which they [will go] to nine houses; a day which he [will] have nine women”
    (* The “mudd” and “saa’a” are ancient units of Volume; 1-mudd = 0.75L; 1-sa’a = 3L)

    Hadith 12

    Never did I ask God’s Messenger[for] something [to which] he [would then] say ‘No!’”

    Hadith 11

    God’s messenger never criticised food; when he liked it, he ate it; when he didn’t like it, he left it.”

    Hadith 10

    God’s messengerdied and he didn’t leave a [gold] dinar nor a [silver] dirham nor a servant nor a maid. He [only] left his shield [as] a security deposit with a Jew for [loaning] thirty-saa’a* (i.e. 90-L) of food.
    (* The “mudd” and “saa’a” are ancient units of Volume; 1-mudd = 0.75L; 1-sa’a = 3L)

    Hadith 9

    God’s messengerdid not leave a [gold] dinar nor a [silver] dirham nor a sheep nor a camel nor anything [else] as inheritance”

    Hadth 8

    Al-Aswad said:
    What things did God’s messengerdo when he entered his house?”
    A’ishah (God be pleased with her) said:
    He would be [occupied] in his family’s business and as soon as [the time for] the [obligatory] prayer came, he left [his house] and prayed [straight away].”

    Hadith 7 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, al-Zuhd

    A man said:
    I asked: ‘what did God’s messengerdo inside his house?’”
    A’ishah (God be pleased with her) said:
    he repaired clothes, fixed the soles [of his shoes], stuff like that”

    Hadith 6 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, al-Zuhd

    Abi A’bdullah Al-Jadalee said:
    How was the character of God’s Messengerwithin his family?”
    A’ishah (God be pleased with her) said:
    It was the best human character; he wasn’t obscene nor an obscene [person] nor clamorous in the markets not [would] he repay bad with bad, rather he [would] pardon and excuse”

    Hadith 5 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, Al-Zuhd

    God’s Messengerbought food from a Jew on credit. For the security deposit, he gave him a shield”

    Hadith 4 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, al-Zuhd

    God’s Messengerfrequently used to say in his bowings and prostrations:
    O God, our Lord and with Your praise. O God, Forgive me.”
    And he [would] recite Al-Quran* melodically.
    (* “Al-Quran”, literally “The-Recitation”, is a miraculous book composed of beautifully unique, inimitable rhyming-prose that preserve the verbatim words of God as sang to mankind through the mouth of His final Messenger Muhammad)

    Hadith 3 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, Al-Zuhd

    A’aqamah said:
    How did God’s Messengerpray?”
    A’ishah (God be pleased with her) said:

    "could you even [do] what God’s Messenger could [do?] – his deeds were [like] continuous rain’”

    Hadith 2 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, al-Zuhd

    Abdullah said:
    A man slept at night [continuously] until he woke up [in the morning]
    God’s Messengersaid:
    That man [has] Satan’s urine in his ear or ears*”
    (* i.e. reference was made to his ear(s) because he did not wake up when hearing the call to prayer)

    Hadith 1 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, al-Zuhd

    The Prophet said:
    Whosoever went to or came [from] the mosque, every time he went or came, Godprepared for him a lodge in the gardens [of paradise]”

    Hadith 182 - Ibn Ahmad Hanbal, Al-Zuhd

    Several prophets pilgrimaged [to] the house (Jerusalem? Makkah?);
    among them [was] Moses son of Amran (peace be upon him)
    on him [were] a pair of [short, white, sleeveless] cotton robes (i.e. al-iHram). 
    And in them Jonah (peace be upon him) says
    "At your service, Revealer of The Problem (i.e. its cause and its solution), At your service*"
