Summary of The Law

1. Praise [8], Repent[2,8], Ask of [7,8] and Talk to [4] The One [1 ] as much as possible like you were the last person alive [5], and as though you see Him [6], even though you cannot [1,8], surely He sees you [3, 9]

2. Strive to bring benefit to others and yourself as much as possible [9,11,12] without bringing harm to yourself or others [13, 14, 15] (and any harm you feel wipes away your sins if you are patient [10]), with the intention of earning Hia pleasure [1] (for the rewards and punishments of deeds are weighted by their intentions)

In shaa' Allah it instills in you the following qualities:
[1] TawHeed/Monotheism,
[2] Taubah/Repentence,
[3] Taqwa/Cautiousness,
[4] Imaan/Belief
[6] iHsan/Excellence,
[7] tewekkel/Trust or Faith,
[8] Khushou3 or hanan/humility,
[9] adab/manners,
[10] Sabr/ Patience,
[11] Halal/Lawful
[12] Toyibah/Good,
and prevent
[13] Haram/Forbidden,
[14] Munkar/Bad
[15] faHshah/Big Evils,

Friday, 17 June 2016

[2:26] God's Parables

" as for those who believe
so they know that it (the example) is the truth from their Lord
and as for those who reject
so they say 'what did God intend by this example?'

He leads many astray with it (the example)
and He guides many with it

and He doesn't lead (one) astray with it except the disobedient"

From this verse we learn:
  • God's examples are sometimes clear and sometimes obscure (especially those which are explaining deeper meanings or those which humanity does not yet understand.  Many examples that were once obscure have become clear as modern science develops).  When there is an example which is not immediately clear...
    • a believer will know it is the truth simply because God said it (regardless of whether they comprehend it or not)
    • if they did not accept it until they understood it, they would be a rejecter
  • God's examples can guide people (those who grasp its true meaning) or lead people astray (those who misunderstand its true meaning). 
    • For example, "He exits from between the spine and ribs" [86:7].
      • properly understood, this verse reads: "He (i.e. man) exits from between the spine and ribs (i.e. the womb)". The confusion may occur because the verse immediately preceding talks of mans development during the stages as a sperm cell.  It then jumps to his stages as a baby in the womb.  This is a perfect medical summary of man's development and so those who understand its proper meaning are guided through this example.
      • However, many have been lead astray because they misunderstand the proper meaning of the verse - they mistakenly think the verse refers to "the sperm" (mentioned in the previous verse) rather than to "man" mentioned in the first verse, which would be a contradiction since sperm does not exit from between the spine and ribs. So many people hastily conclude that such an error cannot be in a book of God and thus reject the Qur'an and become more misguided. 

  • God only leads astray someone who is disobedient.  This shows us the importance of obeying God's commands.  It may be that someone believes in God but disobeys the commands (i.e. smoking, drinking alcohol, fornication, etc) and due to that they become one of the astray (confused about their faith, etc) and the astray are not on the correct path.

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