Summary of The Law

1. Praise [8], Repent[2,8], Ask of [7,8] and Talk to [4] The One [1 ] as much as possible like you were the last person alive [5], and as though you see Him [6], even though you cannot [1,8], surely He sees you [3, 9]

2. Strive to bring benefit to others and yourself as much as possible [9,11,12] without bringing harm to yourself or others [13, 14, 15] (and any harm you feel wipes away your sins if you are patient [10]), with the intention of earning Hia pleasure [1] (for the rewards and punishments of deeds are weighted by their intentions)

In shaa' Allah it instills in you the following qualities:
[1] TawHeed/Monotheism,
[2] Taubah/Repentence,
[3] Taqwa/Cautiousness,
[4] Imaan/Belief
[6] iHsan/Excellence,
[7] tewekkel/Trust or Faith,
[8] Khushou3 or hanan/humility,
[9] adab/manners,
[10] Sabr/ Patience,
[11] Halal/Lawful
[12] Toyibah/Good,
and prevent
[13] Haram/Forbidden,
[14] Munkar/Bad
[15] faHshah/Big Evils,

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Will someone who never received the message go to Paradise or Hell?

Anas said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Four (kinds of people) will be brought forth on the Day of Resurrection: the infant, the insane, the one who died during the Fatrah (the period between two prophets) and the very old man. All of them will speak in their own defence, then the Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, will say to a neck of Hell, ‘Come forth!’ and He will say to them, ‘I used to send Messengers to My slaves from amongst themselves. Now I am the Messenger of Myself to you. Enter this (i.e., the Fire).’ Those who are decreed to be among the doomed will say, ‘O Lord, how could we enter it when we are trying to escape it?’ And those who are decreed to be among the blessed will rush to enter it. And Allaah will say: ‘You would have been more disobedient towards My Messengers.’ So those will enter Paradise and those will enter Hell.” Narrated by Abu Ya’laa, 4224. There are corroborating reports which were mentioned by Ibn Katheer in al-Tafseer, 3/29-31.

Note: we know from other authentic Hadith that the insane is not held accountable for their actions and the child that dies (below the age of accountability) is granted paradise 

is the depiction of the moon a form of idolatry in islam?

There is a thin line between symbolism and idolotry?

Good point. The symbol of islam is not the moon (despite it being wrongly attributed to it by the red crescent and many mosques and flags etc).  It was actually the pre islamic pagan symbol for the quraysh tribe.

The crescent certainly wasnt used as a symbol for islam in the prophet's lifetime.  In fact, There is no real symbol for islam! (Perhaps to avoid idolatry).

 So one was assigned to it by "others".

[2:21-22] Why worship God?

[2:21] O Humans
worship your Lord
who created you
and those before you
so that you have caution.
[2:22] who made for you the Earth a spread [like a bed]
and the sky a cover [like a canopy]
and sent down from the sky water
so [that] it brought out some fruits
a provision for you
so don't make equals to god while you know

The above verses explain some of the many reasons why humans should worship God and become the "Cautious" instead of the "Rejecters" or Hypocrites. 

  1. He created you and all humans who have ever existed (and by extension - all those who will ever exist)
The next few reasons are cleverly phrased to show how they interrelate.  So that God shows He not only gives us sustenance, provisions and protection but He has made everything in such a way that it is connected, cyclic or interrelated in a life-sustaining system.
  • The earth (we are land based creatures - i.e. a water or gas world would see us quickly killed off)

  • The sky a cover (our atmosphere is crucial for allowing life on Earth - protecting it from harmful cosmic rays and asteroids. It also allows a steady temperature to be maintained - without an atmosphere days would be scorching hot and nights freezing cold - without an atmosphere the planet would become a "dead" rock - much like the moon (that has no atmosphere / sky).

  • Rain (life on earth depends on water.  Rain allows water to be distributed across the land.)

  • Fruits (from the water, plant life grows and contributes to human and animal sustenance as part of the food chain.  Without fruits humans would quickly die.  Without rain, there'd be no fruits, and humans would quickly die.  Thus God shows us how fragile and weak we are - how dependent we are upon Him and the system He made (of which we are a part)).

So in exchange for all these things God has made- we are only asked to accept the truth - that our Creator is One (and thus not make anything else equal with Him) and worship Him alone. 

How does Islam see Paul?

He introduced deviance and innovation into the true message of Jesus a.s.

for more information and PROOF on this well known and well documented fact - see links below:

Pauline Christianity

also read works by major Christian scholars such as Geza Vermes

Old Scriptures & Prophets Vs. Opinions of the Prophet's Companions

In many school's of thought the following sources of religious knowledge are used (in this order - i.e. if the hadith contradicts the Qur'an, the Qur'an overrules the Hadith):
  1. Qur'an (Words of God)
  2. Hadith & Sunnah (Words & Actions Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s.)
  3. Opinions of the Salaf (Prophet's Companions & the first generation of Muslims around the Prophet)
  4. Logic

I agree with all (including the order) except for point 3 (Opinions of the Salaf).  I think this should be exchanged with Prophets and Scriptures of Old:

  1. Qur'an (Words of God)
  2. Hadith & Sunnah (Words & Actions Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s.)
  3. Old Scriptures & Prophets (Torah, Gospels, Psalms, etc)
  4. Logic

The reason for this is simple: 
If the answer you are seeking is not in the final edition of the teacher's book (Qur'an - God's Words) and His newest teaching assistant (Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s.) did not teach about it - then who do you ask:
A) Other students (i.e. the companions of the Prophet)
B) The old editions of the teacher's books and His old teaching assistants (i.e. the Old Scriptures and prophets)

I think any logical person would choose option B because, even though the students have first hand experience, they are still students and may not have fully grasped the teachings - whereas a teaching assistant would certainly have (since they were chosen by the Teacher to be a teaching assistant).

It is also mentioned Numerous times throughout the Qur'an that the believers are those who believe in what was sent down before (i.e. the Old Scriptures)

Finally, there are examples in the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.s.) where he would refer to the Old scriptures if it was not mentioned in the Qur'an and he himself did not know what to do.

Narrated Abdullah Ibn Umar:
A group of Jews came and invited the Messenger of God to Quff. So he visited them in their school.

They said: AbulQasim (i.e. Muhammad s.a.a.s.), one of our men has committed fornication with a woman; so pronounce judgment upon them.
They placed a cushion for the Messenger of God who sat on it and said:
Bring the Torah.
It was then brought.
He then withdrew the cushion from beneath him and placed the Torah on it saying:
I believed in you (i.e. the Torah) and in Him Who revealed thee.
He then said:

Bring me one who is learned among you......
Then a young man was brought. The transmitter then mentioned the rest of the tradition of stoning similar to the one transmitted by Malik from Nafi'(No. 4431).
— Abu Dawood, Sunan Abu Dawood[11]

Anticipated Responses:
Many people will argue - but the Old Scriptures have been corrupted. How can we trust them? 

My response: 

Whatever teachings have been corrupted - God surely would have mentioned it and corrected them in the Qur'an or through the Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s. 
Therefore, If the Quran and Hadith are silent on a topic, then there was nothing to correct. 

As long as the previous scripture or prophet does not contradict the Qur'an or Sunnah (there aren't many things) - then it is safe to follow it - just as God tells us to do in the Quran and just as the Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s. did. 

We were never told to follow the Salaf - and they were human like you and I - and they used logic and better judgment when the Qur'an or Sunnah did not have the answer.  They were sometimes correct and sometimes wrong (This is shown in their differences of opinion).  Therefore, since we are also students - like them, we too should use our logic and judgement (if the answer is not in the Qur'an, Sunnah, or OLD SCRIPTURES)

Friday, 29 January 2016

Can Muslims (including men) have braided/locked hair?

yes.  both male and female. 

There was a female companion at the time of the prophet s.a.a.s. who said she finds it hard to do ghusl (ritualistic bathing) because her hair is in locks / braided.  She was told it is sufficient for her if she uses her fingers to wet the roots of her hair. (
Remember islam makes life easy, not difficult - the prophet s.a.a.s. said: "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists...[Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 38]"

Sahih Muslim Hadith 643 Narrated by Umm Salamah
I said: O Messenger of God (saas), I am a woman who has closely plaited hair on my head; should I undo it for taking a bath, because of sexual intercourse? He (the Prophet (saws)) said: No, it is enough for you to throw three handfuls of water on your head and then pour water over yourself, and you shall be purified.

Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 359 (part) Narrated byUmm Salamah
.. As regards the (ghusl of the) woman who had plaited hair - sometimes each of us had plaited hair - when she washed, she would not undo the hair. She would instead pour three handfuls of water upon her head. When she felt moisture in the roots of her hair, she would rub them. Then she would pour water upon her whole body.

Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 255 Narrated by Thawban
Shurayh ibn Ubayd said: Jubayr ibn Nufayr gave me a verdict about the bath because of sexual defilement that Thawban reported to them that they asked the Prophet (saws) about it. He (the Prophet (saws)) replied: As regards man, he should undo the hair of his head and wash it until the water should reach the roots of the hair. But there is no harm if the woman does not undo it (her hair) and pour three handfuls of water over her head

As for men - the prophet yahya a.s. (John the Baptist) was reported to have had dreadlocks.  So if a prophet can have it - who can say we can not?  following the examples of previous prophets of islam is recommended (unless it contradicts God's laws or the Prophet's Sunnah) - otherwise their examples would not be given in the quran. Braiding mens hair does not contradict the quran nor sunnah. In fact, the propet muhammad s.a.a.s. practised this on at least one occasion

"The Prophet s.a.a.s. traveled to Makkah and he had his hair in four braids." 
- Aboo Daawood (#4185), Ibn Maajah (#3631 according to Al-Albaanee), and Al-Albaanee authenticates it in Ash-Shamaa'il Al-Muhammadiyyah (#23)


why is adam a.s. better than iblis?

A robot is made that obeys commands. Jumps when u tell it. Stops when u tell it. Waits for your orders.

Then a second robot is made that is more inteligent. It goes in a changing world and must learn when to jump and when to stop.

Then a third robot is made that is like the second but it must also learn to survive in the world while the second robots mission is to destroy it.

The third robot (if it survives) is the best robot.

The first robots are angels of light
The second robots are fallen angels of dark / demons (jinn)
The third robots are humans

if a child dies, do they go straight to paradise?

In Islam - all children are born muslim (pure submitters to God).  if a child below the age of accountability dies - he/she is granted paradise.  Furthermore, it is stated that they will not want to enter paradise alone and so will ask one parent to accompany them.

what is the theological differences between the teachings of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all)

Their teaching all agree with one another. However, they do go into detail about different branches. 

For example - the teachings of Moses (a.s.) and Muhammad (a.s.) are focused on believing in God as One (countering idolatry) and obedience to God's commandments (these commandments are almost identical in the Torah and Qur'an - although slight differences do exist:
- prayer 3 times a day (Torah).  prayer 5 times daily (Quran)
- drink but not drunk (Torah). do not drink (Quran)
- fast 1 or 2 days (Torah). fast 1 month (Quran)
- etc)

as for Jesus a.s. his Gospel is to understand the "spirit" (inner meanings) of the laws / commandments.  To obey them completely and fully, sincerely obeying them in your heart (and not just outwardly).  So idolatry is not simply statues, but it is any deep attachment on material things too.  Adultery is not just the act of sex but it is even the naughty glance.

Although prophet Moses (a.s.) and Muhammad (s.a.a.s) did also know these inner dimensions to the religion - and did teach it - Jesus (a.s.) almost solely focused on this field to teach his followers (who were Jews and so already knew about the "basics" of monotheism / keeping the commandments, etc)

How do people have faith in God when everything is going wrong in their life?

Do you love your mother even when she is mean to you?

true love is unconditional
false love is conditional

This is one reason God tests us - to test if our belief in Him is conditional (false) or unconditional (true)

What role does Jesus play in Islam?

Islamic view about Jesus a.s.
- he was human (not the son of God)
- he was a servant of God
- he was born miraculously from a pure, virgin mother (Mary a.s. the best of women)
- his cousin is prophet Yahya a.s. (John the Baptist) son of prophet Zachariah a.s. (Temple priest)
- he performed many miracles by the permission of God including healing the sick, casting out deamons, raising the dead, making a clay bird alive, talking in the cradle to defend his mother from slander
- he was an observant and practising Jew upholding the true commandments in the Torah and correcting the hypocricy that had spread amongst the Jewish rabbis/scholars
- he was the promised Messiah (understood as a King descended from the prophet David a.s.)
- he did not die but was taken up by God until the End Times when he will come back to Earth and slay the Antichrist
- he was a muslim (submitted his will to the will of God)

Would the biblical Abraham, Moses and Jesus convert to Islam?

They were "Muslim" (ones submitting their free-will to the will of God). 
They are also exemplary prophets in Islam - ones Muslims are meant to take an example from.

Of course, if you know that Islam is basically submission (giving up) to God - believing that there is no god except God.  Then you are Muslim.

then, of course, there are the commandments - so these were slightly different in the days of Abraham a.s. (a pure monotheist predating Judaism), Moses a.s. (prophet for the jewish people) and Jesus a.s. (prophet for the jewish people).

e.g. - they could drink alcohol as long as they didn't get drunk
- they only needed to pray 3 times daily - not 5
- they must fast one or two days in the year - not a whole month
- etc

In the Gospel of Luke - Jesus a.s. is recorded saying that he is "muslim"
"Ein talmeed na'leh 'al rabbo; shekken kal adam she'MUSHLAM    yihyeh k'rabbo."
[Luke 6:40]

so - when the meaning of the word is understood - you will have no problem realising that these prophets (peace be upon them all) were some of the best Muslims.

is islam a male chauvenistic religion?

no - the religion is not.

The most converts to islam are women
The first convert to islam was a woman (khadija r.a.)
The first person to die from persecution in islam as a martyr was a woman (umm summayya r.a.)
The first scholar of islam was a woman (ayesha r.a.)

  • The prophet s.a.a.s. was gentle and kind, more so with women.
  • In his culture the men hated having a first born girl but he admonished them for this evil practise.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:
"The Prophet s.a.a.s. said:
If anyone has a female child, and does not bury her alive, or slight her, or prefer his male children to her, God will bring him into Paradise.
[Sunan Abu Dawood – Book 41 Hadith 5127]
  • Hed serve himself, mend his own clothes, help with housework, etc
"He was like any other human being: he would clean his clothes, milk his ewe and serve himself." (Ahmad in al-Musnad, 6/256)
"He used to serve his family, then when the time for prayer came, he would go out to pray." (Bukhari, 2/162).
  • Go on one knee to allow his wife to step up onto her camel
He [The prophet s.a.a.s.] then sat beside his camel and put his knee for Safiya to put her foot on, in order to ride (on the camel)"
[Sahih al Bukhari 5:59:522]
  • be playful with his wives and kids
"One day we met him [the prophet s.a.a.s.], Hasan, Husain and I. He carried one of us in front of him, and another on his back, until we entered Madinah." (Sahih Muslim, 4/1885-2772).
  • etc

Unfortunately many men and cultures around the world are chauvenistic (including the west until fairly recently). Therefore, logically, since many muslims are men, many muslims are chauvenists, just like many non muslim men are too (compare men from same cultures for a fair test - e.g. an english muslim with an english non muslim. An indian muslim with an indian non muslim)
Anyhow, my point is, if more muslims followed the exMple of prophet muhammad s.a.a.s. thered be less chauvenism.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Did Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s. ever sin?

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.s.) was human and made mistakes.  (e.g. the Qur'an reprimands him for turning away from an old man who asked him something while he was talking to a group of people)

However, his mistakes never amount to a "sin" (disobeying God or His commands) such as not praying, lying, stealing, etc.  Not even before his prophethood.   This makes sense because for him to be aware that God is watching his every action and communicating directly through him (the Quran being God's Words), how could he disobey Him?

One theory could be that all narrations about him cover up any such details. Part of the reason many thought he had gone "mad" rather than being simply a "liar" - because they could not understand how such a good person would preach  a message counter to their traditional way of life - Even his enemies had nothing bad to say of him (which rules out the above hypothesis).

Roman emperor Heraclius and his conversation with Abu Sufyan, leader of the Arab Pagans (both were enemies of the prophet during the conversation)
Heraclius said, "Bring him (Abu Sufyan) close to me and make his companions stand behind him." Abu Sufyan added, Heraclius told his translator to tell my companions that he wanted to put some questions to me regarding that man (The Prophet) and that if I told a lie they (my companions) should contradict me." Abu Sufyan added, "By Allah! Had I not been afraid of my companions labeling me a liar, I would not have spoken the truth about the Prophet. The first question he asked me about him was:
'What is his family status amongst you?'
I replied, 'He belongs to a good (noble) family amongst us.'
Heraclius further asked, 'Has anybody amongst you ever claimed the same (i.e. to be a Prophet) before him?'
I replied, 'No.'
He said, 'Was anybody amongst his ancestors a king?'
I replied, 'No.'
Heraclius asked, 'Do the nobles or the poor follow him?'
I replied, 'It is the poor who follow him.'
He said, 'Are his followers increasing decreasing (day by day)?'
I replied, 'They are increasing.'
He then asked, 'Does anybody amongst those who embrace his religion become displeased and renounce the religion afterwards?'
I replied, 'No.'
Heraclius said, 'Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim (to be a Prophet)?'
I replied, 'No.'
Heraclius said, 'Does he break his promises?'
I replied, 'No. We are at truce with him but we do not know what he will do in it.' I could not find opportunity to say anything against him except that.
Heraclius asked, 'Have you ever had a war with him?'
I replied, 'Yes.'
Then he said, 'What was the outcome of the battles?'
I replied, 'Sometimes he was victorious and sometimes we.'
Heraclius said, 'What does he order you to do?'
I said, 'He tells us to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship anything along with Him, and to renounce all that our ancestors had said. He orders us to pray, to speak the truth, to be chaste and to keep good relations with our kith and kin.'

Finally - there are hadith which may suggest he hadn't sinned (even though prophets in the past have been known to have sinned i.e. Jonah a.s. running away, Moses a.s. killing a man, David a.s. desiring another man's wife, Adam a.s. eating the forbidden fruit, etc - so its not impossible):
- all his past and future sins were forgiven

- on judgement day prophets starting from Adam a.s. will be asked by the people to ask God to
Judgment (because they will be tired of waiting).  Each prophet will refer the people to the next prophet due to a sin they had committed which they were ashamed of.  Finally the people will reach the final prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s. and he will ask (suggesting there was no sin to be ashamed of)
            I will be the chief of all of Adams offspring on Resurection Day and I do no say this for boasting. I will hold the banner of praise and I do not say this for boasting. On that Day there is no prophet from Adam down but that he will be under my banner. I will be the first for whom the earth will split (exit the grave) and I do not say this for boasting. The people will panic three times. So they will go to Adam and say ‘You are our father so intercede for us with your Lord’ He will respond ‘Indeed I have commited a sin that resulted in my dropping to Earth. Go to Noah. They will go to Hoah and he will say ‘Indeed I made a curse against the people of Earth that resulted in their destruction. Go to Abraham. They will go to Abraham and he will say ‘I lied three times. Go to Moses. They will go to Moses and he will say ‘Indeed I killed a soul. Go to Jesus. They will go to Jesus and he will say ‘Indeed I was worshipped instead of God, Go to Muhammad. So they will come to me, and I will go with them. [Tirmidhi, authentic by albani]

Is God prideful?

It is one of His names in Islam. 
"Al Mutakabbir" [59:23]
- root word: K-B-R
Pride (= "kibr")
also is root for great ("kabir") or greater ("Akbar")

And why shouldn't He be?

Definition of Pride:  a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired:

The reason humans should not be proud is because all our achievements are due to Him! so all praise should be to Him. 

The servant is humble
The King is proud

Monday, 25 January 2016

[2:19-20] Parable of the Thunderstorm

[2:19] or like a thunderstorm from the sky
in it are darknesses and thunder and lightning
they put their fingers in their ears from the thunderbolts
in fear of death
and God surrounds the rejecters.
[2:20] the lightning almost steals their sight
all that it illuminates for them
they walk in it
and when darkness is upon them
they stand
and if God willed their hearing and sight would go
Indeed God is in control of every thing.

This is the second parable presented by God about the hypocrites (wolves in sheep's clothing) to explain the mystery behind why some would choose to reject the truth.

Again, in this parable, light = knowledge, darkness = ignorance.  Sight = clear judgment, Ears = listening.  walking = bettering / progressing.  the thunder = tremendous knowledge / truth, lightning = the proofs of the truth, revealed from above. life = faith. death = no faith.

The meaning of the parable is:
  • Knowledge (a thunderstorm) revealed by God (from the sky) contains many layers and depths which we are ignorant of and do not yet understand (in it are darknesses) but what we do clearly recognise as truth (lightning) can seem scary (thunder). 
  • Rather than rejecting these unknown parts (i.e. the unseen) and only accepting the clear truths, a true believer should accept it all (including the unknown parts that they are currently ignorant of (darknesses) since it comes from the same source (the sky) as the clear parts which are evidently true (lightning)).
  • however, the hypocrites do not accept the truth and instead try to ignore it (put their fingers in their ears) because the reality of it scares them (from fear) - some are scared that knowing too much of the truth will make it hard for them to accept it and believe in it - they are afraid that knowing will cause them to lose faith (fear of death) so they'd rather remain ignorant with blind faith.
  • But no matter where they turn away, they cannot run away from the truth (God surrounds the rejecters)
  • Some people scientifically pursue the knowledge (the lightning) that would lead them to God but they do so in such a way that they focus on the truths that the knowledge reveal about God's Universe (all that it illuminates for them) so that they can advance themselves (they walk in it) rather than focusing on the bigger philosophical implications that these truths imply (the lightning almost steals their sights)
  • The folly of this type of study is highlighted whenever they become stuck and cannot solve a mystery of nature (when darkness is upon them) and their progress is halted (they stand) because this is the condition that we humans would be in all the time had God not given us the ability and faculties to pursue such knowledge in the first place (if God willed their hearing and sight would go). 
  • This emphasises that all their accomplishments are by God's permission and as such, they should not pursue the knowledge only to use it for their own power, but reflect on it and who designed it and who gave us the ability to recognise it (God).

[2:17-18] Parable of lighting a fire

[2:17] their [the hypocrites] example is like the example of those who 
put fuel into a fire
so when it illuminates what is around them
God makes their light go out
and they are left in darkness
- they do not see
[2:18] Deaf, dumb, blind,
so [that] they do not return.

The above verses are the first of two parables God presents to explain why some people become hypocrites (wolves in sheep's clothing).  Of course, in symbolic metaphors, light = knowledge, darkness = ignorance. sight = guided / clarity of thought, blind = misguided / clouded judgement.

The meaning of the parable is:
  • A person puts effort into learning the truth and seeking the proofs (putting fuel into a fire)
  • When they find the proof and learn the truth - their ignorance is lifted - the falsehoods that they had been surrounding themselves with are exposed. (it illuminates what is around them)
  • So rather than accepting it and submitting, changing for the better, they refuse to accept it - they reject the truth and cover it up in their hearts.  They turn away from the proof, knowledge and truth and desire to return to that state of blissful ignorance (they are left in darkness)
  • and hence God does not guide them and lets them stay misguided in their falsehood (they do not see)
  • Thereafter these people do not listen when spoken to about the truth (deaf), they do not talk about what they found once (dumb) and they create illogical arguments to explain the proofs away and justify their illogical decisions (blind).
  • This is so that they remain misguided and no one is able to remind them of the truth and bring them back using proofs (they do not return)

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Are Jinn mentioned in Old Scriptures?

Jinn = Arabic for Daemon race

in Hebrew:
familiar spirit"

see uses of jinn in Bible:
Leviticus 19:31, Lev 20:6, 1 Samuel 28:3, 1 Sa 28:9, 1 Sa 28:7, 1 Chronicles 10:13,Gospel of Matthew 4:1, Mat 12:22, Gospel of Luke 4:5, Luk 8:12, Gospel of John 8:44

If the Kaaba was moved, would Muslims then pray in the direction of its new location?

“The foolish among the people will say, "What has turned them away from their qiblah (direction of prayer), which they used to face (i.e. Jerusalem)?" Say, "To God belongs the east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a straight path."” [Quran 2:142]
Image result for jerusalem

The above verse reminds us that the first Qiblah in Islam was Jerusalem until God changed it to Mecca.  It also reminds us that we are not praying to the East or West because God is in those places!!! God owns the East and West.

The Kaaba (literally: "Cube") is nothing more than the first place of worship built on Earth.  it is NOT the object of worship (since this would be idolatry). It is only a focal point to unify the direction of prayer -

Interesting point, there is a stone in the corner that I believe purposely kept as a test from God. To see which of His servants truly worship Him and who worship the stone (idolatry and hence not muslim). 
You wouldn't believe how many people appear to worship the stone! They travel so far for God and fail at the final hurdle.
The attitude a Muslim should have toward the stone is nothing more than this:

 'Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said  "No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen God's Messenger kissing you I would not have kissed you."(Bukhari Hadith 1494)
The history of the stone is quite interesting however.  It is tested as a meteorite, which is inline with Islamic tradition that the stone fell from the sky.  It used to be white and turned black over time.

Who was the best Caliph of Islam and what were his best qualities?

Abu bakr (r.a.) for,his soft gentle and merciful nature.
Omar (r.a.) for his strong, logical and practical nature.
Uthman (r.a.) for his shy, humble nature.
Ali (r.a.) for his noble, eloquent and brave nature. 

The prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s. said

  1. (Prophet's Time) Prophethood will remain with you for as long as God wills it to remain, then God will raise it up whenever he wills to raise it up.  
  2. (Caliphate Time) Afterwards, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood remaining with you for as long as God wills it to remain. Then, He will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up.
  3. (Times of Islamic expansion and empires) Afterwards, there will be a reign of violently oppressive rule and it will remain with you for as long as God wills it to remain. 
  4. (Modern Times?) Then, there will be a reign of tyrannical rule and it will remain for as long as God wills it to remain. Then, God will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up.
  5. (Future) Then, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood

When and How do you repent?

Repent all the time. Simply turn to God and speak from the heart. Seek His forgiveness.
Avoid going through anyone else. Make a direct link.
GOD loves those who turn to Him in sincere repentance.

Do Muslims feel more related to Christianity or Judaism?

I'd say Islam is more closer to Ultra Orthodox Judaism (or if the original, Early Christianity still existed - such as the Ebonites - closer to that)

Why?  things such as: the ritualistic prayer and ablution, recitations, monotheism, social rules, dietary laws, understanding of a messiah (not being a God or son of God - but as a king from the line of David a.s.), the prophets of the Old Testament (Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Isaiah, Moses, etc. peace be upon them all)  

There are some key differences however which are more akin to Early Christianity:  Islam is intended for all mankind (gentiles), Judaism is for the Jews.  Islam accepts the Virgin Mary a.s. and her son, Jesus a.s. as the Messiah, prophet John the Baptist a.s. and his father, prophet Zachariah a.s., etc.

There are also other key figures who some interpret to be mentioned by God in the Qur'an as being righteous people (Dhul Kifl = Buddha,  Dhul Qarnain = Alexander the Great, etc)

Can a non-muslim go to a mosque during prayers? If so, how should they behave?

Treat it like you were visiting a library, except you should keep it clean by taking off your shoes.  Ensure you do not walk in front of someone who is praying.  And if you are a lady, try to cover your beauty to avoid distracting the worshippers.  Other than that - welcome!

I took my brother into a mosque just to show him around - and he asked if he could join in with the prayers (he was agnostic at the time).  I said "of course" just follow what i do (actions are a bit like yoga).  I suppose he wanted to fully immerse himself into the experience.  Very open minded approach

Did the Prophet (s.a.a.s.) want Ali (r.a.) to lead the Muslim community?

There is a large misconception that Shi'as existed at the time of Abu Bakr (r.a.) the first Caliph. The truth is they did not, and everyone (including Ali r.a.) pledged allegiance to the first Caliph, Abu Bakr r.a. and the second Caliph, Omar r.a.. 
Factions only began in time of the third Caliph, Uthman r.a.  Ali r.a. lead the Muslim community after Uthman r.a. as the fourth Caliph. 

Unfortunately, a faction of the Muslim army had become corrupt and started splitting from the main body of Muslims (exactly like ISIS is doing today. This faction during the time of Uthman r.a. was called The Khawarij - the first sect in Islam).  These trouble makers martyred Uthman r.a. and later Ali r.a.

This technically ended the reign of good, righteous caliphs, and began the succession of Kings.  The supporters of Ali and Hussain later became known as Shi'a (meaning "sect") - the second sect in Islam (this is when they began).
Although the Shi'a were originally a political group and their Islamic belief were identical to the main body of Muslims (now called "sunni" Muslims).  This "Shi'a" party did not pledge allegiance to the "Sunni" Kings after and instead decided the prophetic bloodline should continue to be their leaders.  (In my opinion, it was best for the grandsons (Hassan r.a. and Hussain r.a.) to become the next Caliphs - however, God decreed them martyrdom and to end their reign.)

Unfortunately, with the following "Shi'a" Imaams, the belief system began  to deviate and become strangely different from the original Islamic beliefs.  For example, Deviant practises immediately began to appear and some groups would self-harm themselves with knives and whips (Apparently they do this because the original followers of Hussain r.a. abandoned him at the battlefield, leaving him to get martyred). 


What are the differences between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims?

All Muslims are monotheist as their core belief (no god besides GOD - i.e. God of Abraham a.s.) - and they all believe the Qur'an is God's words to mankind and take it as the ultimate authority for laws and guidance on Earth.
  • Sunni Muslims also try to follow Prophet's example (sunnah - from recorded historical sayings transmitted by various companions (Hadith))).
  • Shi'a (="sect") Muslims give religious authority to the living leader (imaam) of the shi'a sect and he is allowed to reinterpret the Quran (God's words) to current times (similar to the Pope in Catholicism). 
  • Sunni's regard reinterpretations and additions to the original practise of Islam as innovations (bid'ah) and believe it is forbidden (Haraam).  In theory they only take the prophet's practise of Islam and his interpretation of the Qur'an.
  • Sunni's believe the ruling successor (Caliph) of the Muslims should be elected democratically as stated in the Qur'an. 
  • Shi'as elect their leader (imaam) through the descendants of the prophetic bloodline via his grandson Hussain a.s. (not Hassan a.s. however).
  • Sunni's and Shi'as originally only differed on this point (who the ruler should be) - however, today there are many more differences due to the fact that Shi'a Imaams may adapt and interpret the religion, whereas Sunni Caliph's and Imaams cannot.

What was the character of Muhammad (s.a.a.s) really like?

The prophet (peace be upon him) was a person who had the best character - and was known for it even by those who opposed his message.  He was nicknamed the truthful before he became a prophet (at age 40).  His first wife, Khadija (a christian trader) proposed to Muhammad (before he was a prophet) as she was so impressed by his character when he worked for her. 

He admitted mistakes and sought forgiveness from God (to the point that his wife would ask why he asked forgiveness from God when He has forgiven his past and future sins - he replied 'should i not then be a grateful servant?') and he was very forgiving to others.  What prevent his from sinning was an extreme sense of God-consciousness (awareness God is near and watching). 

He was always Humble (never proud), struggling in the path of God (did not love the world - e.g. praying a lot, fasting a lot, giving a lot of charity, etc).  He always spoke truth and followed proof (not his parent's way, ways of culture, ignorance, falsehood, etc).  His empathy (ability to see from others perspectives / understand others are thinking and feeling) was incredible - so much so - it made him a very effective teacher (would say very few words with a lot of meaning, his actions were simple yet clear, people would understand, message was not harsh but he would answer what the person was seeking, etc).

In times of difficulty (with wealth, health, children, time, etc) he would be patient and have faith in his Lord (by asking Him alone) - and not asking or relying on anyone else.    Also, he would be just to all (not favouring his family or tribes over others) and self-critical (not judgmental of anyone but himself).  

The Qur'an is not his words - but the words of the Most Merciful and Compassionate.  However, God chose and perfected his character as an embodiment of the Qur'an and its teachings as well as a role model for Muslims to follow

According to Christianity - going to heaven is as easy as believing that Jesus Christ is Lord - so why reject such an easy way to salvation?

To put it simply...
If someone wants to be good at martial arts,
id go to a teacher who told me,
i need to practise hard every day and the training looked tough

... not to the other guy selling a pill that promises to make you a black belt once you've taken it.

Are ancient "gods" like Apollo, Zeus, Horus, Isis, etc based on real historical persons?

according to the gospel of Solomon (a.s.)
these are the same names as powerful daemons who helped built the Temple of Solomon!

(It thus makes sense that people used to worship them as "gods")

If Jesus Christ is a prophet for Muslims, how do you explain that he drank alcohol?

In the beginning of Islam in Arabia- you were allowed to drink alcohol - but not pray when drunk or become drunk in general.  (this is also the practise pre-Islam - i.e. in time of Jesus a.s.).

Then it was revealed that people should stay away from alcohol all together (there is some good in it - but the bad outweighs the good). 

This doesn't mean the message changed - its an addition to perfect the practise of Islam. 

Just like fasting was a practise before (for a few days) - yet after final prophet (s.a.a.s.) - fasting for a whole month was prescribed. 

Just like praying 3 times a day was compulsory before, now it is 5 times a day.

Same message - perfected practise

Do you still have to pray in Paradise?

A true muslim does not see it as an obligation to pray
it is an enjoyment to worship their Lord
(like a bird flying or seeking food is not seen as a chore)
so yes - you wouldn't stop worshipping
the Prophet (s.a.a.s.) said:  
“The people of Paradise will eat and drink therein, but they will not blow their noses or defecate or urinate. Their (eaten) food there will turn into burps and sweat like musk. They will be caused to recite and praise, as they are caused to breathe.” (second nature)

Should restaurants close during Ramadan?


fasting is about restraining yourself - not restraining others.

Food, drink and sex is some of our strongest base desires - if we can give them up during the day - it is a proof to yourself that you love GOD more than your own self and desires.  Furthermore, it develops your character to be able to tame your desires (self-restraint)

What is Wahhabism / Salafism all about?

"Salaf" refers to the first community of muslims at the time of the prophet (s.a.a.s) - including his companions (i.e. abu bakr, omar, uhman, ali - God be pleased with them) and the generation that knew and followed them.

Salafis use only the following sources in this order to define any Islamic rule/practise. 
  1. Quran.
  2. Sunnah of prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s.
  3. Opinions of  the Prophet's Companions. (*this is where my own, personal view differs - I believe this stage should be replaced with Old Scriptures of God*) 
  4. Logical Inference (e.g. damaging health / self harm forbidden in the Qur'an. Smoking damages health. Ergo smoking is forbidden).
Any scholar cannot simply give his opinion and make it a rule in islam (at least not in sunni islam...e..g shia imaams can) since this is how the religion changes, gets corrupted and people practise things contrary to their scripture (e.g. self whipping and mutilation, suicide, etc...all forbidden in the Quran).

Democracy or Shariah?

God's laws over human laws any day.

However, Sharia demands you follow law of land

Finally, sharia stipulates democracy (a caliph/leader must be chosen by majority of muslims) and NOT kingship (caliph means successor, malik is king. This is not from islam), NOR dicatatorship (caliphs are required to take shura/council from a few people).

Plus, the origins of the uk legal court and parliamentary systems all took their influemce from the muslim world (ottomon times)


What's the meaning of "wa alaikum assalam"?

Wa (and)
A3lay (upon)
Kum (you [plural])
A(l)-salaam (the-peace)

How do you pronounce muslim?

Correctly it is pronounced as "musSslim". (emphasis on the "s" - like the "S" in "mostly")
Most people incorrectly pronounce "moZlem". 
This actually means a "wrong-dooer" in Arabic (from the word "Zulm" = "DHulm". Root: DH-L-M)

[2:8-16] Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

[2:8] and from [among] the people [there are some] who say:
'we believe in God and in the Era of Afterlife' and [then] they do not believe
[2:9] [do] they deceive God and those who believe [?]
and they don't deceive [anyone] except themselves and they don't realise it.
[2:10] in their hearts is a sickness
so God increases their sickness
and for them is a painful punishment for what they denied.
[2:11] and when it is said to them: 'do not [create] corruption in the Earth'
they say: 'indeed we are the righteous'
[2:12] o no - indeed it is they who are the corruptors but they don't realise.
[2:13] and when it is said to them: 'believe as the people believed'
they say: 'are we to believe as the fools believed?'
o no - indeed it is they  who are the fools but they don't know.
[2:14] and when they meet those who believe they say:
'we believe'
but when [the believers have passed and] they are alone with their adversaries (satans) they say:
'Indeed we are with you.  Indeed we are mocking [them]'
[2:15] God is mocking them and extends them in their blind transgression.
[2:16] They are those who bought misguidance for guidance
so their transaction didn't profit them and they were not guided.

The above verses describe a 3rd category of people: the "Hypocrites" (The false-believers, the undercover enemies,"Rejecters" disguised as "Believers".   The wolves in sheep's clothing). 

They may look like the most religious scholar, an imaam, a rabbi, a priest, a politician, an actor, etc. 

They warp the truth and corrupt the faith from within.  They receive a greater punishment and are in the lowest grade of Hell [4:145]

God speaks at more lengths about them (indicating there are more "hypocrite" wolves in sheep's clothing than the plain "rejecter" wolves). 
The hypocrites:
  • for them is a painful punishment [2:10]
  • they don't realise that they are deceiving none but themselves [2:9]
  • they don't know that they are the "fools" [2:13]
  • God is mocking them [2:15]
  • God extends their blindness (misguidance) [2:15]
Their actions are:
  • they are deceptive (trying to deceive and mock God and the believers) [2:9] [2:14]
  • they say they believe in God and the Afterlife [2:8]
  • they are two-faced (saying to the believers that they believe but behind their back they mock them) [2:14]
  • they backbite (talk about people behind their back) [2:14]
  • they converse and jest with the adversary [2:14]
  • they call themselves the righteous [2:11]
  • they call other people 'fools' (and evil names) [2:13]
  • they don't realise that they are the "corruptors" [2:12]
  • they are "transgressors" [2:15]

Their beliefs are:
  • they do not believe [2:8]
  • they deny [the truth, God, etc] (like the rejecters) [2:10]
  • they are misguided [2:16]
  • they are aware of the guidance [2:16]
The reason they do this is also explained:
  • In their hearts is a sickness which increases [2:10]

[2:6-7] The Rejecters

[2:6] Indeed those who reject [it is] the same upon them if you warned them or didn't warn them. They don't believe.
[2:7] God's seal is upon their hearts and upon their hearing and upon their sights is a cover and for them is a tremendous punishment.

In contrast with the verses about "the cautious" who are "successful", the above verses describe another group; the "rejecters" [of the truth, God, His message, etc] who face "a tremendous punishment".  

(kefar - root: K-F-R)
The word literally translates to "Cover".  The same word is used for the Jewish holiday the Day of Covering / Atonement "Yowm Kippor" (identical root:  K-P-R).  (Arabic F = Hebrew P)

The word is commonly understood as "reject" / "deny" or "disbelieve" / "infidelity" because the person makes a decision to reject / deny / refuse to accept, submit to, or believe [the truth] and instead they cover up [the proof] with excuses, lies, falsehood (to make themselves feel better).

I have chosen the more specific term "rejecter" (or "denier") as it is closer to the intended meaning of the Arabic word.  A "rejecter" implies that the person has made a decision (to reject / deny).  However, the term "disbeliever" is more broad and can WRONGLY include someone who has never thought about God or who is undecided about what is true BUT has an open mind (he neither accepts nor rejects and seeks proof) - such a person does not believe and does not reject.  Although this person is not a "believer", they would not be classified as a "rejecter".  

Furthermore, a believer can be classified as a rejecter if they disobey God out of pride (e.g. like the devil did. He is a rejecter despite believing in God and knowing He is the truth).  Belief without action is fruitless.  Some believe with their lips yet disobey and reject with their actions.

God tells us about the "rejecters":
  • For them there is a tremendous punishment [2:7]
  • They do not believe [2:6] (All rejecters are disbelievers.  Not all disbelievers are rejecters).
God tells us that they cannot be warned and even if we tried it would not change anything [2:6].  This is because humans cannot guide (or "convert") others or even ourselves.  God is The Controller of the Hearts and Only He can guide (or misguide) someone.  (He may misguide someone as a punishment for the act of rejection or turning away from Him?). 
One day I was behind the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) [riding on the same mount] and he said, “O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice]: Be mindful of God and God will protect you. Be mindful of God and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, then ask God; and if you seek help, then seek help from God [alone]. And know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with what God had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what God had already prescribed against you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.”

God explains in the verse how he stops the "rejecters" from accepting the truth even if the best proof and reason is presented to them:
  • God's seal is upon their 'hearts' [2:7] ("emotions")
  • God's seal is upon their hearing [2:7]
  • A cover is upon their 'sights' [2:7] ("clouded thought / judgement")

Saturday, 23 January 2016

[2:2-5] The Cautious

[2:2]  That is a book, [there's] no doubt in it.  A Guide for the cautious.
[2:3] Those who believe in the unseen and guard the prayers and from what they are provided they spend [charitably]
[2:4] Those who believe in what was sent down to you [Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s.] and what was sent down from before and in the afterlife they are certain. 
[2:5] They are upon guidance from their Lord and they are the successful.

The above verses explain a type of people called "the cautious" (al-muttaqqeen - root word: T-Q-W).  (This word has been translated by others as "God-fearing" or "God-conscious")  In fact, the full meaning is: someone who acts cautiously (carefully) because they are conscious (aware) that God is watching them and their deeds are being recording so they fear the day they will be held accountable by God for their deeds.

An example of truly cautious people (al-muttaqqeen) = those who drives carefully and safely all the time, at the correct speed limit, not jumping the lights, guarding themselves from harm and not harming others - because they know that God is watching them and they will be accountable (not just because a speed camera is watching them and they may get a speeding fine later).

So God tells us about "The Cautious".
  • They are the successful [2:5]
  • They are upon guidance from their Lord [2:5]
He tells us what "The Cautious" do:
  • They guard their prayers [2:3]
  • They spend [charitably] from their provisions (food, wealth, time, knowledge, etc) [2:3]
He tells us what "The Cautious" believe:
  • They are certain that there is an Afterlife [2:4]
  • They believe in the Unseen (i.e. God, The Worlds, The Day of Judgment, etc) [2:3]
  • The book (Qur'an) is a guide for them [2:2]
  • They believe in what was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.s) (i.e. his teachings: sayings/hadith and example/sunnah). [2:4]
  • They believe in what was sent down before (The Gospel, The Torah, The Psalms, Scrolls of Abraham, etc) [2:4]

From the above verse we can also deduce the best source of religious knowledge (in this order) is:
  1. The Qur'an (God's Words)
  2. The Hadith (Narrations about the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.a.s.)
  3. The Old Scriptures (Gospel, Psalms, Torah, etc)

[1:6-7] Off the Straight Path

Guide us [to] the Straight Path [1:6]
the Path of those with blessings upon them,
[those] without wrath upon them
and they [whom] are not astray [1:7]

The above verses show us 2 types of people who are not blessed to be on God's "straight path" [to paradise].

Why? What do they have in common that doesn't allow them to Paradise?
They both turn away from worshipping God alone.  Both groups reject Him and His message.

So what is the difference between them? Why did God not simply say those "not on the Straight path" or those on the "wrong path".  Why make the distinction between two types of people who will not go to paradise?

The difference between the 2 types are:
  1. Those who've earned God's Wrath = They have seen God's proofs and know it is the Truth, but reject it anyway (from fear, desire for the world, etc) and accept falsehood instead
  2. Those who are Astray = They have not seen God's proofs and do not know if it is the Truth or not, but they still reject it and accept falsehood instead!
Lesson we can learn from this:

Do not reject something if you do not know enough about it OR if you are in doubt about it (If you are not sure if is true or false). The best thing to do is to Find out first until you are sure it is true or false.  Seek proof. 

Then reject it if its false (even if you like it) and accept it if its true (even if you dislike it). 

The problem with rejecting something unknown is - it MAY be true!!!.  Similarly, do not accept something unknown (blind faith) because it may be false.

If a man says your house is on fire - do not reject it (he may be telling the truth), and do not simply accept it (he may be lying or mistaken) - but seek the proof first.

So in Summary:

Logically, if you do not know something, and you have seen no PROOF,
  • it is illogical to reject it (even if it sounds unlikely - you do not know)
  • it is illogical to accept it (even if it sounds likely - you do not know)
The logical thing to do is NOT accept it NOR reject it.  Sit on the fence, be neutral.  Wait.  Seek PROOF and EVIDENCE first.

So...someone gives you this box and says "there is gold inside, do you believe me?"

What do you reply?

A) "yes, I believe you" (accept his message)
B) "no, I don't believe you" (reject his message)
C) "I don't know- I need more proof first"


[1:5] God-human relationship

"iyya-ka na3budu = You-alone, we worship
wa iyya-ka nasta3een" = and [from] You-alone, we seek help [1:5]

This explains our relationship with God. We are dependent on Him alone (and nothing else).  We are independent of all others (apart from Him).

So if we seek help from others, we should do it while knowing that any help we receive is by the permission of God. If He doesn't permit it, all the help in the world would not make a difference.  .

But-notice the phrase order of this verse:
"You-alone, we worship and You-alone, we seek help"
  1. worship Him alone
  2. seek Help from Him alone
It doesn't say seek Help first, then worship second.  Specifically it mentions worship first, seek Help second.  So our worship should not be seen as a payment in order to invoke God's help.  this is insincere. 

We should worship Him because He is our Lord and Lord of the Worlds, our King and King of Judgment Day, He is The Merciful Merciful, He is  God and we are His servants, His creation.

God does not need our worshipping nor our prayers!
O mankind, you are those in need of God, while God is the Free of need ... [Quran 35:15]
Then why must we pray?  Like all of God's commandments for humanity - God doesn't make us do something that is bad for us, or that does nothing for us.  He is Merciful.  He commands us to do things that are good for ourselves or for others and humans as a whole.  

Just looking at one aspect of prayer - the psychology - the act of holding our chin up and head up high is to show pride!  Therefore, the act of putting our face to the ground (during prostration), a place lower than our bums, is the most humbling position we can be in.

 so psychologically (mentally) it teaches us:
  • humility
  • order (standing in rows)
  • unity (close to brothers, all facing the same direction)
  • punctuality (5 daily prayers at specific times)
  • etc...
as well as the physical (many positions in Yoga are similar) and spiritual benefits.

[1:2-4] Some of the Unseen

...Rabb il-3alameen [1:2]   =  Lord [of] the-Worlds
a(l)-RaHman I(l)-RaHeem [1:3]  = the-Merciful the-Merciful 
Malik I(l)-Yowm I(l)-Deen [1:4] = King [of] the-Day [of] the-Judgement

"Lord of the Worlds" &
"King of Judgment Day"
are two more beautiful names of God.

This means there are some things which exist that are "unseen". 
  • Worlds (plural) - does this mean dimensions? different size scales? different Universes?
  • A Judgement Day (note: the Arabic word "yowm" is not a 24hour Day, but closer to the English word Era) - this is an era of time in the future that is said to last 50,000 years!

 There are many sayings of the Prophet (s.a.a.s.) about Judgement Day and it is very detailed. However, I shall summarise some major points about it:
  • Angel Seraphiel (Israfeel) (a.s.) will be given the order to blow the Horn.  The Earth will shake so much that mountains will crumble and every soul will die. 
  • The angel of death (a.s.) will be ordered to take the souls of all creatures, including the other angels
  • finally the angel of death (a.s.) takes his own soul.
  • Nothing will remain except the beautiful face of God The Majestic
  • Then after a time, God The Creator will begin creating a new creation
  • The angels are brought back except for the Angel of Death (a.s.)
  • The Earth is rebuilt, except this time it has no landmarks or features (no mountains, etc) and is covered with a pink powder.
  • A cloud of dew will descend on the ground and the bodies of all human beings who walked the earth will begin to grow like vegetables
  • Angel Seraphiel (Israfeel) a.s. will be ordered to blow the Horn (second time) at which point all people will begin to resurrect.
  • The first to resurrect is Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.s.) but he will already see prophet Moses (a.s.) out of his grave.
  • All will be resurrected naked and the first to be clothed will be Prophet Abraham (a.s.)
  • The martyrs will resurrect with their wounds and blood flowing but it shall be a symbol of honour and smell of musk
  • The people who did ablution will see their heads, hands and feet shining white like a brown horse with white marks
  • Those who did not believe in this life will be resurrected blind
  • Those who were arrogant in this life will be resurrected tiny
  • The waiting of Judgement will commence (50,000 years in total).
  • In that time the Sun will be brought near so that it fills the sky
  • Only a chosen few will be shaded on that Day
  • Some will be elevated on columns of light
  • Some will be allowed to fly
  • There are three groups:  The people of the left, the people of the right, and the people who do not need judgment.
  • The poor will be judged before the rich (since every coin must be accounted for)
  • The first few questions one will be asked is:  What did you do with your time, knowledge, health and wealth.  Also about prayers.

[1:1] i(l)-RaHman i(l)-RaHeem

 ...i(l)-RaHman i(l)-RaHeem [1:1]
(the Merciful the Merciful) - two beautiful names of God

Both derive from the same root: "ra, Ha, mim" R-H-M) - meaning whomb or (R,H,M,M) Mercy ("raHma")

So what do the different forms mean

The names are similar in meaning ("Merciful") and many scholars have attempted to explain the difference:
  • It indicates a different meaning ("Merciful to all, Merciful to some") - although there is no proof that this was the view held in the time of the Prophet (s.a.a.s.).
  • It is the superlative form (i.e. "Most" Merciful) - but this is not true since the superlative of the root R-H-M is "aR-Ha-M" (More Merciful) or "al-aRHaM" (Most Merciful)
  • One is a pure Arabic word (Raheem), the other predates Arabic (RaHMan) - this is my view
The arabs at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.s) did not actually know what the word "RaHman" meant.  It was foreign to them. 
Suhail said: "As for 'RaHman', by God I do not know what it means"
 In fact the name RaHMan predates Arabic
  • it was known and used by non-Arabic speakers - i.e. the prophet Abraham (a.s.) [Quran 19:45] and the Virgin Maryam (a.s.) [Quran 19:18].
  • it is still a name of God in Hebrew "RaCHMan" (R-H-M) meaning "Merciful" - evident in some jewish names like "Rachmaninov"

Timeline of all Prophets

Friday, 22 January 2016

[1:1] bismillah

bismillah... [1:1]
(in [the] name [of] God)

Allah (literally "the god") is one of the beautiful names of God

Notice the "shaddah" (a symbol that looks like "w") ontop of the letter "lam" (L).
This symbol indicates a letter has been swallowed and is hidden.
That letter is "alif" (A)

al (the)
ilah (god)
Allah = al-(i)lah  (the-god)
Notice the word "ilah" (god) is the second word in the testimony of faith:
"la ilah illa allah" (no god except the-god).

"ilah" (root: alif, lam, ha = "A,L,H") even predates the Arabic language and is shown in other ancient languages

god in Aramaic: "elah" (aleph, lamed, ha = "A,L,H")
god in Hebrew "el" (aleph, lamed = "A,L")
this word can be seen in names like "Gabriel", "Ishmael", "Samuel", etc

The original meaning for "El" (god) is "Power"
This is why it can sometimes appear in the plural form "Elohim" = powers (aleph, lamed, ha, mim - "A,L,H,M")
the Arabic equivalent of "Elohim" is also used in Islam as a variant for God's name
 = اللَّهُمَّ
(Alif, lam, ha, mim - "A,L,H,M")
(this is sometimes wrongly translated as "O God")